
Gazprom VNIIGAS evaluation of inspection of pipes with a protective ZUB COMPOSITE coating in a steel jacket production
Gazprom VNIIGAS evaluation of inspection of pipes with an external protective concrete weight ZUB coating in a steel jacket production
Mosstroy Research Institute evaluation of inspection of concrete mix
Mosstroy Research Institute evaluation of inspection of concrete corrosion resistance for a term o 50 years
Pre-qualification tests certificate of production for Bumi Armada Caspian Company readiness
Concrete robustness pre-qualification tests certificate for the pipes of 323,9х11,1 in diameter
Concrete check samples robustness tests certificate
Concrete check samples water absorption capacity tests certificate
Displacement and resistance to impact pre-qualification tests certificate for the pipes of 323,9х11,1 in diameter
Magnet marker installation pre-qualification tests certificate for the pipes of 323,9х11,1 in diameter
Moscow State University Technological transaction for pipes vibration and sound insulation relative quantity
Pipes slip coefficient test report
Pipes slip coefficient test report
Anode installation pre-qualification tests certificate for the pipes of 323,9х11,1 in diameter


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