

Innovation materials week in Luxemburg

Two milestone events in the field of innovation materials and nano technology ended in Luxemburg last week.

The Future of Materials Forum arranged by The Economist publisher had been held on November 13-14. Representatives of such global-scale companies as HP, Boeing, Airbus, Hyperloop and many others gathered to visit this event. Key reports of the forum were opening speech of Xavier Bettel, prime minister of Luxemburg, and report “Materials which changed the world” by Anatoly Chubais, president of Rosnano Company.

The next day after the forum ended annual event The Nanoaugmented Materials Industry Summit 2017 was held, where the most important discoveries and achievements of the nano industry for the last year were discussed. At the summit meeting leading scientists in the field of materials creating, managers of R&D departments and technological venture funds made their reports. BT SVAP Company also took active part and showed innovation technology for manufacturing of extra strong nanomodified concrete with implementation of single-wall nanotubes “TUBALL” by OCSiAl company.


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