

Subsea interfield pipelines on the Caspian shelf construction

The first stage of work at sea has been completed - the construction of underwater inter-field pipelines connecting LSP-2 and LSP of the V. Filanovsky fields and V. Greifer.

At the end of November the works were completed. There was laying the linear part of the water conduit with a diameter of 273.1x12.7 mm from the V. Greifer field to the point of overlap. Previously, the laying of the linear part of the conduit from the LSP-2 of the V. Filanovsky field to the point of overlap. The total scope of work amounted to 610 welded pipe butt joints.

As part of the project, BT SVAP LLC performs installation of heat-shrink sleeves, rock sheet, as well as installation of bracelet protectors and magnetic markers for the facilities of LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft LLC. BT SVAP LLC is working in accordance with the schedule.

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